
RCN Ships

Since its inception in 1910, the RCN has employed many types of ships in the defence of Canada including Cruisers, Destroyers, frigates, corvettes, aircraft carriers, Submarines, Trawlers, minesweepers, Motor Launches and many more.  At the Naval Museum of Alberta, you can see models of ships of the RCN from the Navy’s beginnings to the current fleet. 

HMCS Acadia
HMCS Algonquin
HMCS Athabaskan
HMCS Bonaventure
HMCS Calgary
HMCS Canada
HMCS Chicoutimi
HMCS Drumheller
HMCS Edmonton
HMCS Grilse
HMCS Halifax
HMCS Huron
HMCS Louisburg
HMCS Mackenzie
HMCS Niobe and Rainbow
HMCS Nipigon
HMCS Ottawa
HMCS Saguenay
HMCS Snowberry
HMCS St. Croix
HMCS Swansea
HMCS Swift Current
HMCS Wallaceburg
Motor Launch Q061

Prince Ships:
​HMCS Prince David
HMCS Prince Henry
HMCS Prince Robert